Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Question or Issue Resolution
How do I change my password?
Once you log in, you can change your password to something easier to remember. Just select the 'My Profile' menu item, and enter the password you want in the TWO spaces provided.
Where can we find sample documents to use for our own Association?

The samples found at our demo site are from the excellent resources at Regenesis. Here is a direct link to them:

I Cannot view attached documents.
Your Acrobat Viewer may not be properly installed on your computer. Install a fresh copy from: Adobe.
You need Microsoft Word or the free Word Viewer to view and print Word attachments. You can get the free viewer here.
FireFox cannot seem to open the attached documents

In FireFox, it is easiest to 'Save As' to your computer before opening an attached file.

Suggestions and Problem Reports regarding this site should be submitted to the following email address:

For questions regarding management or policy issues for the association, etc:
Email Burnham Station
This is a CondoConduit web site CondoConduit
For questions regarding Web Site Issues, both technical and administrative: